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AppKracker 1.3.9 - AppKracker(Released by ParaPC) is a program that cracks programs using patch files. So far AppKracker reads (converted & compressed) Rescompare Files & SmartCrack modules.

The Rescompare Patch files are usually about 4k in size, and were converted from Patching Apps into smaller crack files using AppKracker Convertor. This reduces the size of the crack from 49k - 3MB to about 4k.

What this means is masses of cracks can be distributed without taking up much space.

Now AppKracker uses our SmartCrack Engine which uses cracks files (SmartCrack modules), which are extremely small.

SmartCrack cracks will can also work on multiple versions of the same program, or a whole group of programs that use the same protection method.

Magic Key 2.0.2 The AppleTalk brute force password cracker was improved, Get 2.0.2 now. This is the only AppleTalk bruteforce password cracker out there!

Meltino Products, Updates
Meltino created by nulle is at the current version of 1.3.2.  the Meltino is a "Simple UNIX password crack software" that supported of md5-encryption(message digest 5) and DES-encryption(Data Encryption Standard). it allows you to find out personally the stupid user password at your server. Meltino1.3(since Meltino old version) supported UFC(UltraFastCrypt algorithm). On most machines, UFC-crypt runs 30-60 times faster than crypt(3) when invoked repeated times with the same salt and varying passwords.
• High performance when used for password cracking.
• Portable to most 32/64 bit machines.
• Startup time/mixed salt performance not critical.
Download Meltino 1.3.1
Download Update to 1.3.2
View Screenshot
McAuthority v1.0d7 is a crack tool of useful web brute force attack from Japan. it enables many evil U*IX authentication for you. created by nulle
English Readme for d6 | Screenshot

Meltino 1.0.1 Final Meltino(Mac) Final is a unix password cracker with a nice interface. This version has bug fixes, check out screenshot 1, 2 3 made by nulle

AfterDarkReader1.0a    Read AfterDark Password files
Anonymity2.0.1    This tool is for anonymity
BigSecretPassfinder    Find the password for BigSecret encryption
DeprotectHypercard    Unprotect hypercard stacks
FMP3.0ViewerGold2.0    File Maker Pro 3.0 cracker
FMProPeeker    FileMaker Pro password peeker
HackIt    Hackit 1.0
MacEEP    Mac Roms editor
MasterKeyII1.0b2    Crack Keys for programs
MasterKrack1.0b14    Crack Password files
PPCdis    PPC disasymbler
PPP-Password    Find out PPP passwords
PersonalizeWord1.0    Repersonalize Word
ReDebugger    Re-Debug for Macbugs
RemovePasswords    Password removal program
RemoveXLPassword    Password removal program, extra large
ResCompare    Make patches for cracked software
SLFDXRKracker    Crack SLFDXR
TranslateRes5     Edit Resources
UpdateMaker2.3.3Make patches for new versions of software
krAIMer II - cracks AOL's AIM's new Encryption scheme, must have for the toolkit!

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